‘Corona Blue‘: Causes and Prevention대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-05 16:54:34

On the thirteenth of September, disturbing statistics from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) were revealed. The statistics showed the number of people seeking help for depression. In the first half of 2020, 93,455 young adults in their twenties sought professional help for depression; 28.3% more than last year. The Ministry of Health and Welfare also disclosed similar information. Statistics revealed on the thirtieth of September showed that the number of people seeking help for anxiety has increased; 44.8% more than last year.

But why is this happening? Why are so many people suffering from mental health-related problems? Experts say that this may be because of the ‘Corona Blue’.

‘Corona Blue’ is a phrase used to indicate feelings of depression or anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In an article published during July, the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH) explained the symptoms of Corona Blue. Constant feelings of depression, anxiety, and lethargy are common symptoms. Loss of interest in hobbies can also be an indicator of Corona Blue. The symptoms of Corona Blue are similar to the symptoms of clinical depression. When persistent, Corona Blue can evolve into clinical depression or anxiety.

▲ Feelings of depression, anxiety, and lethargy are symptoms of Corona Blue. (image: freepik.com)

How exactly does the coronavirus pandemic cause such negative feelings?

NCMH pointed out several factors of the pandemic that affect our mental health. The first factor is anxiety and fear about the virus itself. With so many people being infected, it is easy to feel scared. Many people become anxious about the safety of themselves or their family members. Another factor is anxiety related to changes in society. The coronavirus has affected society and everyday life in many ways. People have been unable to go to work or school, and their careers have been put on hiatus. The economy has also been suffering, and many people have lost their jobs. Anxiety about things such as financial loss can cause symptoms of Corona Blue. Finally, negative news about COVID-19 on TV and the internet can cause depressing thoughts and feelings. Every day, we see information about the virus on our televisions and smartphones. Most of the time, it is bad news. Frequently coming into contact with depressing news can consequentially cause feelings of depression.

In addition, social distancing can cause feelings of loneliness. Because it is difficult to meet friends and family, it is easy to feel isolated, deserted, and alone. Such feelings of solitude can become symptoms of Corona Blue.

So, how can Corona Blue be prevented?

Experts at Seoul University Hospital recommend maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and regular daily routine. Having an unhealthy sleep schedule and irregular eating patterns can cause problems in both physical and mental health. Keeping productive by trying out a new hobby is also recommended. Staying healthy and maintaining high morale are the keys to keeping Corona Blue away.

▲ Hobbies such as reading and listening to music can help fight Corona Blue. (image: freepik.com)

In addition, NCMH urges people to educate themselves about the COVID-19 situation. It is important to know the proper ways to maintain your physical and mental health in today’s circumstances. Keeping up-to-date with correct information about the virus is also crucial. Exaggerated news articles and fake rumors can cause one to feel anxious or afraid. It is important to keep calm, take the time to do proper research, and not believe false rumors. NCMH also recommends keeping in touch with loved ones via phone calls or video calls. Frequently having conversations with friends and family can prevent loneliness and help fight symptoms of Corona Blue.

If the symptoms of Corona Blue are persistent, experts say it may evolve into clinical depression. Therefore, if the symptoms last for two weeks or more, professional help should be sought.

In these difficult days, it is easy to become stressed, bored, lethargic, and anxious. Staying at home, unable to work or go to school or meet loved ones, can be depressing. If you have persistent symptoms of Corona Blue, reach out to friends and family, or seek professional help. With the right care, Corona Blue can be prevented and recovered from.

by Heewon Lee


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