The Problem of Me-too movement in Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-03 16:35:29

Me-too movement which was started at Hollywood in U.S.A. is now receiving attention in Korea. That is because this movement's main purpose is removing superior's raw deal or sexual harassment to their subordinates. As these problems occur in various workplace cultures in Korea, the Me-too Movement is receiving extra attention. People believe this movement can make our society to better world. And this is true.

▲ the picture of Me-too movement

However, there are some problems in this movement. One is that society ignore male victim's stories and the other is that there could be a wrong information and that can make one's life ruined and make wrong perpetrator. This is serious problem and should be changed.

▲ the picture of Me-too movement`s description

Usually, people think men are positioned in high position in company and women are positioned in low position. Then, this make people think only woman is victim of sexual harassment and raw treatment. But I think this is misconception. In society in nowadays, woman often have more higher position in company. Then, the male subordinate can be victim, too. But many people ignore the male victim's saying and just focused on star's scandal like Oh Dal-Soo's case or Cho Min Ki's case. I think this is not the original purpose of Me-too movement. Is the incident the only center of the movement? I don't think it is. The movement is designed to protect the victim from the thought that society has not tolerated it when one person in society as a whole has forced or done so on the other. However, people seem to think only the most influential person in society belongs to this movement. I don't think this is true.

▲ the picture of agreeing Me-too movement

I hope that we will seriously consider the Me- too movement in Korea and see the true value of the Me-too movement. I will finish this article in the hope that the Me-too movement will spread across society to alert people and heal social evils.


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