The Most Influential Person in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 12:43:55

Who do you think who is the most influential person in every country? I believe that the person who is the most influential person in every country is the president of the country. Moon Jae-in is the 19th president of South Korea. Moon Jae-in is the president of South Korea, so he has not only a lot of achievements but also a lot of problems.

▲ Moon Jae-in, the President of South Korea

Moon Jae-in has a lot of achievements. First of all, he spends a huge budget on the military, so the Korean Military has ranked sixth in the world. It is a drastic decision, so people have different opinions about this. However, I believe this drastic decision is beneficial to our country. Second, he increases global credit rating. South Korea's global credit rating is now Aa2 in Moody's, AA in S&P, and AA in Peach. Finally, Moon Jae-in also shows the increasing rate of economic growth. the rate of economic growth has increased by 3.8 percent.

On the other hand, Moon Jae-in has some problems. First of all, Moon Jae-in often ignores the opinion of the opposition. In Yonhap News, the main opposition, People Power Party (PPP), on Friday slammed President Moon Jae-in for appointing the new prime minister and two other Cabinet members despite the opposition's objections. PPP floor leader, Rep. Kim Gi-hyeon, said during an emergency plenary meeting of the party that the Moon Jae-in administration does not budge a bit no matter how hard it is hit by souring public opinion. Its DNA of arrogance and self-righteousness has never been cured. PPP staged the meeting in front of Cheong Wa Dae in central Seoul in a show of protest against Moon's appointment of Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum, Science Minister Lim Hye-sook, and Land Minister Noh Hyeong-ouk earlier in the day. Second, he deepened the gap between the rich and the poor. For example, the disparity between the people who have their own building and the people who do not have their own building has increased. Finally, he has risen the price of the house. When Moon Jae-in became the president, the price of houses increased by 50 percent in Seoul and 30 percent in other cities.

▲ Increasing Price of Apartment

Moon Jae-in can be a good or bad president depending on people. It is different for each person. However, for better or for worse, the fact that he is the most influential person in South Korea cannot be changed.

By Kim Kun Woo


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