The Future Energy Source, Artificial Sun대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-14 16:17:44

In November 2020, the Korean Institute of Fusion Energy announced that Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research(KSTAR) succeeded to operate plasma for 20 seconds for the first time in the world. Artificial sun uses nuclear fusion to make energy, and it has a lot of benefits.

▲ The appearance of Tokamak experimental equipment.

Artificial sun uses nuclear fusion which combines two light nuclei into one heavy nucleus and releases a huge amount of energy. Among many kinds of nuclear fusion, the D-T reaction is studied. D-T reaction reacts with heavy hydrogen and tritium and makes helium. In this process, a lot of energy sources are made. There are many hardships to operate hotter than 100 million Celsius. Scientists succeeded to make 100 million Celsius plasma. So, the technology that can endure plasma is developing. Now, scientists use Tokamak experimental equipment which uses an artificial magnetic field to lock up plasma and generate energy. The world record of holding plasma is 101 seconds of Chinese artificial sun, EAST.

▲ Isotopes of hydrogen. Deuterium and Tritium are used in nuclear fusion.

The artificial sun has many benefits. First, it uses cheap and universal resources on Earth. It uses deuterium and tritium which are in the sea. So, it is very economical. Next, there is no emission of CO2 which is the main cause of global warming. Therefore, it can reduce environmental pollution. Third, it barely generates high-level radioactive waste. It is very harmful to the human body, however, nuclear fusion barely makes this harmful material. Lastly, it is much safer than nuclear power plant which uses nuclear fission because there is principally no chain fission.

Through the advanced technology of South Korea, South Korea contributes to International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor(ITER). Korean Institute of Fusion Energy said that it will be commercialized in 2050. It is near to see the artificial sun.


By Taeho Kim


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