Ulsan Dongpyeong Middle school School Festival 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 14:54:12

Many schools cannot hold school festivals these days because of the ongoing pandemic. However, two years ago, a school festival was held at Dongpyeong Middle School, which many students and teachers enjoyed.

Dongpyeong Middle School Festival is held every two years for two days. On the first day, students run their own booths such as snack stores, arcades, and movie theaters. Students pay when buying in the booths, and the money they earn can be used to buy food from the cafeteria. On the second day, they go to KBS Hall and watch the performances on stage. The stage presentations are performed by students, graduating seniors, teachers, students' parents, and invited singers. The final performance on stage is for the seniors who are graduating soon, The seniors in the third-grade cry while watching the performance on stage.

▲ A stage that performed by students

A student named Oh said that the last school festival was so enjoyable. Especially, he said it was good to run a booth because he god closer to his classmates and improved teamwork with his classmates. Also, he was even happier to buy delicious food at school with the money he earned from running the booth. He also performed in a choir club, and it was a good memory with his choir friends. Then he added that he could meet new friends while watching the performance on stage and make new friends. To add, a teacher named Kim said that it was enjoyable to have a festival, but there were some problems. There was too much trash when the students ran the booths. Also, there was too much trash in the hallway from the snacks bought from the booths. Moreover, when students watched the performances on stage, some students argued where to sit. So if caused some problems.

▲ Trash from school festivals

It is true that many students enjoy school festivals. However, the problems of enjoying the festival must be ironed out. If those problems are resolved, everyone can enjoy the festival.

By Doh Seunghyun


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