Hwangguem Gold Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-21 17:26:41

Every year, many schools open a festival. Last December 2017, Hwanggeum Middle School opened a school festival. During the festival, many students and teachers participated in many different activities.
During the Hwanggeum Festival, our school opens a market. There, the students can sell and buy something. Each class has a theme to open it. There are different displays which include food, game cafe, ghost house, and many more. The money that is gained will be used for buying delicious food which will be donated to a charity.

In addition, Hwanggeum Festival has a special show. It is a singing contest in which the participants must wear a mask, so people cannot see their face. When the participants finish their song, people choose two best singers who sang well. However, it has pros and cons. Then, Hwanggeum Golden Time is the highlight of the Festival. It is a performance in which students show their talents, which include dancing and singing. This time is the most exciting and interesting time because we can see special things. Last year, we saw the teacher's attractiveness, and their dance presentation, Silver Time, was the second performance. It is for participants who failed in the audition.

▲ Hwanggeum Gold Festival

Hwanggeum Middle School Festival has a special meaning. All participants can show their talents in their performance. It is a significant time because it is a celebration to bid the old year out, and the students can enjoy things with their friends and solve a hard time throughout the year.


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