World‘s Pandemic- COVID-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 14:40:49

Imagine that your are trapped in your house for few weeks, and you cannot go outside even one step. It sounds terrible, but it is really happening nowadays which is called self-isolation. It really can make us crazy because we cannot go out. This is because of COVID-19.

▲ There are many doctors in the hospital.

COVID-19 is an acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus. It started in 2019 in Wuhan China. It explosively rose in China, and it spread throughout the world. That is how it became a pandemic. There are many stories about how it started. The first, one is that it started in the laboratory which was used for observing bats. The second one is in Wuhan fish market.

▲ It is corona virus model.

COVID-19 has spread throughout the world and made many changes in our life. We just have our work and classes online at home, and we only do online shopping. We almost do everything online. Even though one year has passes since this virus happened, casualties are still rising. So, many pharmaceutical companies are busy making vaccines. Two most used and popular vaccines are AZ vaccine and Pfizer vaccine. Many people around the world are inoculating these two. However, there are some problems with these vaccines.

WHO vaccine experts evaluated positively about the new vaccine made by Astrazeneca. WHO Advisory Committee on Vaccine safety's subcommittee clarified that in benefit-risk profile, Astrazeneca vaccine is receiving positive reviews. They say that this has a potential to prevent and reduce death rates. Also, U.K. prime minister inoculated and said there are no side effects in it. Pfizer vaccine is also inoculated around the world like Europe. Nevertheless, it has many side effects.

There are many people who suffered fromPfizer vaccine's side effects. Twwenty-seven casualties generated among people who had inoculatied AZ vaccine, and 23 people have died by taking Pfizer vaccine. Its side effects include thrombocytopenia, cerebral vein thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and pulmonary embolism. Like this, it is not really safe.

To sum up, COVID-19 has affected and altered our life. So, companies are making vaccines for this. Two most used and famous ones are AZ and Pfizer vaccine, but they have many side effects. So, we cannot trust on them that much. The most effective way to prevent from receiving definite diagnosis it to wear masks and wash our hands frequently.

By Yubeen Jeong


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