The Future Form of Cities대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:58:40

After the industrial revolution, cities are industrialized, and the quality of human life also changed. However, it also caused environmental problems, such as global warming, desertification, and water pollution, which are international issues that people must solve. Now, people who are tired of air pollution and noise pollution pursue the worth of nature. In this situation, they are paying attention to an ecological city that is eco-friendly and sustainable.

▲ As destruction of natural environment accelerates, preserving nature is becoming an important concept.

An ecological city means a city in which humans and nature can coexist. Green city, eco-city, or sustainable city has a similar meaning to these words. It promotes biodiversity, uses renewable energy, and processes sustainable development. So, this city preserves its natural scenery and advertises itself as a tourist site. It also develops renewable energy to reduce environmental damage. Citizens of this city often have a positive attitude to their habitat.

▲ Ecological city is a city that has a sustainable environment.

A well-known example of an ecological city in South Korea is Suncheon. It started to be known as a representative ecological city of South Korea after the Suncheon Bay Garden Expo in 2015. Not only its beautiful natural landscape but also its sustainable structure made the eco-friendly image clear. Suncheon creates a green belt and supplies food through the local food market. These policies made its citizens happy. According to a social investigation targeted Suncheon citizens, when a full score of satisfaction of life is ten, about eighty-eight percent of people selected over five.

▲ Suncheon Bay Garden is a famous tourism site as an ecological city.

Nowadays, many cities start to develop themselves as ecological cities. In this situation, the importance and size of the ecological cities are expected to increase in years. It would be a significant policy for the future generation as well as the present generation.

May 23rd, 2021

By Kang Jine Ie


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