Water as a Solution for Air Pollution대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-20 16:27:33

▲ High air pollution rate detected inside the subway station

Nowadays, more than seven million people use subways to commute every day in Seoul, South Korea. Subways are created underground so that we can utilize the land efficiently. However, this trait can also be a problem. According to the Korea Environmental Corporation, the air pollution rate inside the subway station is 1.5 to 5 times higher than the outside. Moreover, the corporation mentioned that bacteria and germs can live and activate easily in the station. Like this, there are several problems in the subway station that harm the citizens' health.

▲ Reasons for the harsh air condition inside the subway station

The reason for the harsh air condition inside the subway station is that it is hard to refresh the air. There are no windows to circulate the air, so we are using a machine. However, the machine is not enough to purify the entire atmosphere inside the subway station. The particles of old and corroded iron from the subway are also the major reason for air pollution. While the subway is moving, the bottom of the body and the rail go through strong friction, so the iron pulverizes into small pieces. The pieces are so small that they float in the air.

▲ Water spraying technology as a solution for air pollution

To protect the health of citizens, purifying technologies are being developed. Korea Institute of Energy Technology is working on a project about depurating the atmosphere using water. When a strong current flows into the water, the water particles change into a form that can be sprayed. Then, the small particles sprayed in the air absorb the dust and bacteria. In this way, the atmosphere inside the subway station can be purified without circulation.

Air pollution is a serious problem, not only in the subway stations but also in all indoor spaces that many people use in groups. Korea Institute of Energy Technology asserts that a water purifying system can be used in those places such as daycare centers, hospitals, and underground parking lots. Through this way, our everyday life can be safer and healthier thanks to science.

May 15th, 2021

by Yang Ye Won


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