The Establishment of Chinatown Comes to a Halt대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-14 14:27:46

Recently, the establishment of Chinatown in the city of Hongcheon, Gangwon Province has come to a halt after there have been over 600,000 Koreans signed an online agreement that the Chinatown should not be built in South Korea. This has recently been an issue after the cultural disputes that China and South Korea both had over the last few months.

▲ Choi Moon-soon, the governor of Gangwon province

The governor of Gangwon province, Choi Moon-soon, has stated that the Chinatown that was about to be established was meant to be a place that ties both Korean and Chinese culture together in order to bring in domestic and foreign visitors. He also stressed that the feelings of hatred have recently spread due to the hardness of life and that this should not happen.

▲ Chinatown in the city of Incheon

However, the majority of Korean citizens opposed building Chinatown because of China's recent attitudes that they had shown to the Korean culture and people. First is insisting that kimchi is originated from China's paocai, without any other historical evidence, and the continuation of their cultural-political spoliation of Korea that has been formally indulged by the main news media of China. The main news media of China shows that as Korean citizens, we should be aware of their cultural encroachment and reminds us that we should establish our national identity strongly.

By Minsu Chung


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