2021 Spring Festivals in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-14 14:21:00

Imagine walking into a street filled with colorful flowers during good weather. This was the common activity of people in the past. However, people will not be able to do that this year.

Most of the spring festivals in South Korea are canceled due to COVID-19. Many cities decided to cancel their festivals in order not to increase the number of COVID-19 patients. Although festivals are canceled, the festivals will be opened online.

First, Yeongdeungpo Yeouido Spring Flower Festival is going to be opened both online and offline. In offline, it will be held from April 1st to April 11th. Also, people have to register online if they want to visit offline. Then, the festival organizers will pick about 2500 people who can visit the festival offline for seven days. People are going to be changed every one hour and 30 minutes, seven times a

day. In online, people can visit the website to find information and see the pictures of the flowers blooming and falling.

▲ Yeongdeungpo Yeouido Spring Flower Festival in 2021

Second, Seokchon Lake Cherry Blossom Festival is canceled offline. The festival organizers are going to close the lake from April 1st to April 11th. However, they are going to open at 05:00 A.M. to 09:00 A.M. only for people who are going to exercise and who are going to work. In online, people can visit the Youtube channel, "Songpa TV" and see videos of flowers from April 2nd to April 11th.

Lastly, in Jeju Island, Jeju Cherry Blossom Festival is canceled offline but streets will be opened. However, before going in, people have to put on their masks and let guards check their temperature. Also, Jeju Rape Blossom Festival is going to be opened from April 6th to April 8th. It will be opened in a way of drive-in sightseeing.

▲ Picture of Jeju Rape Blossom Festival

Because of COVID-19, most of the spring festivals are canceled. Nevertheless, people can enjoy them online. Many are hoping for COVID-19 to come to an end so that they can visit festivals together.


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