기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-30 09:49:32

Nowadays, people always worry about COVID-19. It is a pandemic that shocked many people around the world. Fortunately, Moderna and Pfizer, that are both drug companies from America, made the COVID-19 vaccine that can help us to get away from this pandemic.

▲ COVID-19 vaccine

Moderna and Pfizer made a vaccine that is mRNA vaccine. First, when the vaccine is injected into the body, the generic information of the vaccine is introduced into the cells. Then, S protein is made through various processes and genes reacted to each other. Finally, immunity for fight COVID-19 is formed. Pfizer vaccine's efficiency is 95 percent and Morderna's is 94.5 percent. It reduces one-twentieth not to get COVID-19. Each vaccine requires a lot of storage and transportation to store and transport them. Pfizer's vaccine must be kept in less than 70 degrees and Moderna's vaccine must be kept in less than 20 degrees. It should be supplied nationwide in a stable manner, so fast transportation to solve this problem is needed.

▲ Moderna&Pfizer

The vaccine was made in less than two years, and it did not have a lot of clinical tests, so there is some side effect. Fever, muscle pain, joint pain, and headache are some side effects of the vaccine. Lots of people are worried about the side effects of the vaccine. People below 50 years old, recover well. However, over 50 years old having diabetes obesity, and immune-deprecating diseases may lead to severe symptoms if they inoculate this vaccine. Young people may spread the virus to elders around them, so elders may have severe symptoms. Efficiently utilizing these medical resources may be helpful to both young and old people.

The only and best way to treat COVID-19 is through this vaccine. Although it has side effects, it is the only hope for getting out from this pandemic, and everyone wants to. It is needed in spite of its side effects. It can lead to a world that people do not have to wear a mask whenever they go out, and it can shake off people's anxiety.

By Jo Eun Seo


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