A New Cell Phone in Samsung - Next is Galaxy S22대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:10:42
  • 수정 2021-03-16 12:11:02

In recent, Apple Enterprise made a new cellphone, iPhone Max Pro 12 last year. To compare with Apple Enterprise, Samsung launched their new cell phone, Galaxy S21. This Galaxy S21 is developed with many functions. Nowadays, the unit is sold in the world and over South Korea.

▲ Picture of Galaxy S21

Originally, the Galaxy S series was the phone that imitated the iPhone of Apple Enterprise. In 2010, Samsung published Galaxy S1. This cell phone is the first phone that Samsung made. In those days, Galaxy S1 had worse quality compared with iPhone. However, Samsung has developed technology for ten years. Finally, Samsung made Galaxy S21 by the technology that Samsung has developed.

By developed technology, Samsung adds new technology compared to Galaxy S20. First, Galaxy S21 has three lenses that are the basic lens, wide-angle lens, and telescopic lens to take pictures and videos. These lenses make expansion, and the downsize is free. Second, Galaxy S21 has an object deletion function. This function is what erases the object in the picture. Out of this function, Galaxy S21 has an incredible function. Many people say that this phone so satisfactory. Especially, Galaxy S21 does not have noise in the low light shooting.

To sell Galaxy S21 Samsung makes many services. For example, there are Galaxy Go to Service and Galaxy Trade-in. Galaxy Go to Service lends the Galaxy S21 for three days, and Galaxy Trade-In is giving additional benefit to return using a phone when they buy it. In the world, Samsung is selling in 60 countries. Also, Samsung plans to expand sale countries to 130 countries.

▲ Galaxy Go to Service

Galaxy S21 is the phone that Samsung has made for ten years. Many people said the phone is a revolution of the cellphone. Also, they expect that Samsung will make a new cell phone that has an incredible function in the next year.


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