Should Comprehensive Anti-discrimination Law Be Legalized?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-19 22:20:12

On October 24th, the lawyers for a democratic society held a legal debate for legislation of Comprehensive Anti-discrimination Law. The purpose of the legal debate was to study the meaning of the Comprehensive Anti-discrimination Law, related bills, and the significance of the legislation and to discuss legislative needs to improve the service. In a designated discussion, the discrimination existing in our society was discussed in a variety of views such as sexual discrimination, employment discrimination, racial discrimination, and many more.

▲ On October 24th, a legal debate for a legislation of Comprehensive Anti-discrimination Law was held by the lawyers for a democratic society at a hall of Korean Bar Association.

Comprehensive Anti-discrimination Law is a law which forbids all forms of discrimination and hates expression without no reasonable reason in terms of all sectors such as political, economic, social, and cultural life. Discrimination can occur because of a factor related to sexuality, race, homeland, family form, sexual orientation, disability, and many more. Anti-discrimination law has been initiated steadily in the South Korea council since thirteen years ago. However, it is not legislated yet.

Han Sang-hee, a professor of Konkuk University Law School, addressed the significance of Comprehensive Anti-discrimination Law, saying that it includes a value of our constitution which regards the world without discrimination and oppression as a nation's goal to achieve. Also, he said that since it protects us from unreasonable discrimination, it cannot be unconstitutional.

▲ Han Sang-hee, a professor of Konkuk University Law School

The attitude of citizens toward the legislation is mainly divided into two forms. Some people who believe that all forms of discrimination should vanish have a positive attitude toward the legislation. However, other people claim that it must not be legislated because if the law is legislated, freedom of expression will be infringed, and reasonable discrimination can also be banned.

Oct. 17th, 2020

by Kim Hye-rin


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