Tiktok, is it faithful?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-07 16:49:18

Tiktok, one of the famous social media was made by Bytedance in China. Users can make short 15 second videos and share with each other online. Since it has many video effects and funny videos, the number of users has been increasing. Also, many famous singers show their new works and make challenges via the internet so Tiktok has become a very important media outlet.

These days, Tiktok's management of user's personal information is being questioned by many people and they are worried about installing the application. In Korea, there was a big issue that Tiktok didn't protect personal information and took it illegally. In the USA, Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo insisted that a lot of applications made in china including Tiktok should be banned in the country as china can take American information through this application.

Conflicts between Bytedance and the USA have been increasing. Tiktok denied all the charges that many were accusing them of. The spokesperson said that Tiktok US user's data is not stored in China but in the USA with strict controls on employees' access. However, the news that it has stolen information is still implied. President Donald Trump is forcing the head company to sell itself to Microsoft. It seems that Tiktok's popularity is so large that he doesn't want to ban it completely. Also, Facebook showed a new function similar to this application. Nowadays, Bytedance is trying to accuse the American government as they break the Fifth Amendment.

▲ The applications we should not use

Many countries' governments are warning people not to install Chinese applications and ban them like the USA. But the Korean government hasn't mentioned anything about them. In modern society, ensuring the protection of personal information is one of the most important things. For the nation, it seems that our government should adopt this policy like other countries. If Tiktok really took people's personal information, users will leave and never come back. It seems that we should keep watching how the issue plays out.


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