Life With Many Ideas대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-28 14:43:30

Imagine your life, using paper cups to drink something, using sticky notes to write on, using cell phones to call and surf the internet, using masks on your face, and using sanitizers to prevent COVID-19. We use many inventions like these every day.

First, the invention's definition is a unique or novel device, method, composition, or process. There are many composition or process. There are many famous inventors like Bell, Hugh Moor, Edison, and more. Because of them, there are so many inventions. The things that you use are probably someone's inventions.

These days, you should wear a mask on your face. The mask's filter is an invention. Hugh Moor's paper cup, 3M's Silver's sticky note, and Bell's phone are inventions that you probably use many times in a day. Before you make an invention, obviously you must think because you must make an idea. There are some rules about brainstorming. The brainstorming rules were made by the USA's advertising company, "BBDO". The first one is to come with confidence. The second one is Don't blame it for being illogical. and to play meaningfully. How to think more ideas well? Freewriting is also a way that you can use to be a great inventor.

▲ BBDO`s brainstorming rule, quantity is more important than quality.

Many people are afraid of failure, but there are so many failures to be undergone. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but he experienced failures about 9,999 times. So, Edison said a genius consists of one percent inspiration and 99 percent effort. But, these days, people use Edison's idea, a light-emitting diode, so conveniently.

▲ Thomas Edison experienced failures about 9,999.

Life without inventions will be inconvenient because the invention's purpose is to make people's life more comfortable. Inventions are coming out from ideas when you think. It is stated that anyone can be a great inventor. The more inventions, the more convenient your life will be. So, there will be a development possibility if you make more inventions.

by Ye Seo Lee


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