How Global Warming Affects Climate대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 15:40:04

Our Earth is suffering from global warming for years. Sometimes, we can recognize its signs such as the long term heat wave and tropical night. This year, the climate of the Earth is in crisis since global warming is getting worse. As a result, people are experiencing more unusual phenomena because of climate change.

▲ As global warming gets worse, climate change problems also become serious.

For example, in California, there was a forest fire that spread quickly. Over two million acres of forest were burnt in September, and it is the largest ever recorded damage area by a forest fire. Scientists said that climate change because global warming is a direct cause of this fire. They said the unusual weather results from emitting greenhouse gases in long term by humans are the reasons for climate change.

▲ Typhoons of this year in South Korea were unprecedented incidents.

Also, South Korea had the longest rainy season during this summer. It started in June and ended in August in central areas of South Korea and July in Jeju. Furthermore, strong typhoons also affected a lot of people and properties. In August, three typhoons passed through South Korea and another one in September. The damage of it was also serious that it took a long time to recover. Both the rainy season and typhoons are unprecedented climate incidents that can damage a lot of properties.

▲ Unlike last year, rainy season became longer and typhoon became stronger this year.

Not only South Korea but also all countries on Earth are experiencing climate change. As more greenhouse gases are being emitted, global warming is getting worse. If people ignore these, these phenomena will last for years. To prevent these, we should be aware of the seriousness of these changes and find solutions that can reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. People need to know that the Earth is in a climate crisis now.

September 20th, 2020

By Kang Jine Ie


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