Another Problem of Smoking 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 11:46:11

Walking through the streets in Seoul, in the past few months, people were smoking everywhere. People sighed and gave off smoke. Nonsmokers frowned and held their breath. However, these days, there is no one who smokes on the streets. There is no one in smoking zones. People are smoking indoors. Some people even bought air purifiers to smoke inside. COVID-19 made people smoke inside. However, there is one more problem. COVID-19 also made people stop smoking.

▲ smokers a few months ago

On May 11, the World Health Organization said smoking makes it harder to fight off COVID-19. They also said secondhand smoke could transmit the disease. They announced that smokers had a higher risk of COVID-19. After this announcement. smoking zones were closed, and smokers could not smoke outside. COVID-19 made people quit smoking.

▲ announcement of WHO

The World Health Organization said that smoking impairs lung function, making it harder for the body to fight off COVID-19. Many smokers heard this another health problem of smoking. Also, some people were infected in smoking zones. People could not smoke in smoking zones. They had to smoke just in their houses. One citizen from Seoul even purchased an air purifier to use while smoking in his home. Also, many cigarettes which are better for indoor smoking are gaining interest. Smokers know that quitting smoking is important, but it is not easy. Like these, COVID-19 changed smoker's life.

Many experts say quitting is more important now than ever. The smoke - free clinics are coming up with new services. Smokers may get help from smoke-free clinics to quit smoking. Some people are trying to stop smoking in their rooms. They are trying to keep themselves from COVID-19. Their life will shine without smoking. It is time to quit smoking and keep yourselves healthy.

▲ smoke-free clinics

Sept, 12th, 2020
by Park Gahyun


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