The Damages of COVID-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 11:23:59

Do you know about the seriousness of COVID-19? Recently Covid-19 is spreading at high speed, and it brings profound effects in our lives. However, many people still do not realize the seriousness of it. Many infectious disease experts said that COVID-19 has more strong infectivity than other viruses. Also, there is still no cure for it, so we cannot be healed completely.

The origin of COVID-19 is not sure. However, many experts predicted that its certain origin is China. The first infected people appeared in China, and they suggested that COVID-109 came from the Chinese bats. Also, they are still studying the origin of this virus.

▲ COVID-19 virus

Besides, the effects of COVID-19 cause many problems in our society. COVID-19 can damage our bodies. If we are infected by this virus. Our lungs function will decline, In addition, it causes depression or insomnia because we cannot go outside.

Additionally, COVID-19 can damage our economy. Due to its risks, workers cannot go to their office, so they do not get a salary. Then, the economy will be damaged because people do not have money to use. Students are also affected. they cannot go to their school, so they cannot study well.

▲ Economic growth expected to slow down in 2020

To prevent the damages, we should prevent the infection of COVID-19. First, we should wash our hands regularly. Washing our hands can prevent the infection of harmful viruses. Also, we should put on a mask when we go outside. Wearing a mask can prevent the virus from entering the body. Like this, if we follow the precautions in our lives well, Covid-19 will end soon.

By Park Sa Hyun


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