Are You Safe?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-16 15:09:26

A few days ago, a female Korean volleyball player was discovered dead in her house. She committed suicide because of the bad comments written on the article published about her. Like this, there are many instances of suicide because of bad comments in South Korea.

Bad comments mean slandering and dispraising other people's posts and articles. These comments are often given to celebrities and athletes. There are many problems that can be caused by bad comments. First, bad comments can hurt others' mind and mental health. Second, these can cause other people to commit suicide. People who suffer from bad comments often choose extreme ways. One comment can kill people. Also, these can invade others' human rights. Bad comments often invade human rights. According to Yonhap, South Korea's three top portal operators have all halted comment service for sports-related news to help stem the spread of hateful remarks. The move by Naver, Kakao, and Nate was done as there has been growing understanding that athletes, like celebrities, are often targets of malicious comments posted in the comment sections of news articles. Moreover, they said they are getting advice from experts and are even in talks with the National Human Rights Commission and the Korean Society for Media Law, Ethics, and Policy. There have also been requests made to the parliament to halt sports news articles, comments altogether because they are being used to attack athletes.

There are some ways to prevent problems caused by bad comments. First, you can form a cyber manner in the cyber area. Through this, we can reduce the damage of bad comments. Second, the government can strengthen punishment. If the government strengthens the punishment, the number of damage will decrease. Third, we should limit freedom of expression.

In communities, people are doing a campaign to reduce the damage of bad comments. Also, portal sites banned the comment service in entertainment articles.

▲ A man writing bad comments

▲ An advertisement to reduce the damage of bad comments


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