Healthy Foods to Prevent the COVID-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-07 12:34:26

Nowadays, COVID-19 is a very serious problem. According to Worldometer, an international statistics website, the number of confirmed cases worldwide stands at 9,572,763, with 486,018 deaths as of June 27, 2020. Around the globe, most students cannot go to school, and people have limitations to go out. We should overcome this problem. Moreover, there are some foods such as garlic and bean which are helpful to prevent COVID-19.

First of all, garlic is known as food which is good for immunity because of its antibacterial effect. Moreover, garlic has allicin that makes high antibacterial components. Allicin is helpful to prevent various lung diseases, too. South Korea has fewer infections and deaths compared to neighboring countries. One of the reasons for this seems to be that Koreans eat a lot of garlic. Thanks to South Korea's excellent medical care and many experts said that eating a lot of garlic would also help.

Second, bean is famous as a cure for respiratory disease. It helps one to recover from the influenza virus or cold. Also, a bean has a lot of proteins which are good for lymph node that forms immune cells. According to the Joongang Media Network, soybeans contain a lot of proteins. Moreover, boiled soybeans are best for preventing COVID-19.

COVID-19 makes many people sick and die. That is why it is important to wear masks or refrain from going out. Most importantly, we really need to make ourselves healthy. We can make our bodies healthy and boost our immunity by eating garlic and beans. By these, we can prevent COVID-19.


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