Appearance of Zombie Cicadas대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-31 15:29:15

In the summer of 2020, the U.S. media outlet CNN reported that a cicada infected with maesaphora, a type of fungus containing hallucinogenic xylosibin, was found in West Virginia. This new kind of cicada called zombie cicada has emerged, attracting public attention.

So, what are zombie cicadas? Zombie cicadas, a new type of cicada that emerged in 2020, were named after fungi. Zombie cicadas are infected hosts of fungi that are attached to the basic cicadas like parasites, which eat at the body and spirit of cicadas and eventually control their brains.

Zombie cicadas appear to be covered in white powder from top to bottom, which is caused by excessive mold production and the stomach area is covered with mold. When zombie cicadas fly, this white mold sometimes falls from the sky. Zombie cicadas are also called "salt cicadas" because of their properties.
What is the impact of zombie cicadas on us? It is that the fungus that infects zombie cicadas contains a component that causes some kind of hallucination. Zombie cicadas carry molds on their stomachs when they walk or fly. Zombie cicadas currently live in the United States, but germs are spread very fast. So, Korea is not a safe zone to Zombie Cicadas and we need to be extra careful.


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