The Impact of Music on the Brain대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-31 15:07:47

Do you enjoy listening to music? Our humanity has heard music long before, making music developed. Music affects many, and it has effective power on our brain ability. Scientists found that music is helpful for patients with fibromyalgia by relaxing them. There were also differences in the neural response complexity in rhythm. The treatment called melodic intonation therapy was also performed for many patients.

First of all, how can the brain react to music and do their roles? According to the book The Power of Music, Elena Mannes says, “Scientists have found that music stimulates more parts of the brain than any other human function.” Like it, people given Naltrexone, the opioid drug, experienced less pleasure while listening to their favorite song. This research says that our brains can be relaxed by the power of music. Also, music influences learning and brain development. According to Neuroscience News& Research, trained musicians showed greater powers of rhythmic prediction and responses compared to nonmusicians. Music activates our brain and helps them to develop more.


Then, what impacts can we get from the brain by listening to music? Brain functions in

various sections by its divided parts. First, relaxing music can alleviate stress by lowering cortisol levels and make the mood up. They can adjust our mood, condition, and orientation, eventually relieving our stress. The result also showed that singing enhanced short-term and working memory, whereas listening to music had a positive effect on the quality of life. Moreover, music helps patients get their abilities again like communicating and treating diseases, and it sometimes improves them in recovery. Like these, music can perform their various roles in our usual life, and they can qualify our life imperiously.

To sum up, music has amazing effects on our brain and these are used for many purposes now. It stimulates our brain and sometimes adjusts our body by generating various hormones. It raises the areas of the brain and this leads to the development of our brain. Now, it is impossible to live without music as its effect is widespread across the broad. Let us appreciate the music and use it more in our common lives.


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