The Dark Side of Livestock Industry대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-20 15:59:37

In modern society, a meat diet is mainstream. It is derived from the desire of humans wanting to improve their life quality. Also, meat was rare food for commoners in the past, so modern people tend to pursue more meat. However, the majority of them do not know that a meat diet is the main culprit of many moral problems. Maybe people have not thought deeply about where that meat comes from. There are many animals that are produced, and most of them are raised in poor environments by the livestock industry. The livestock industry plays an important role in economic development. However, it also abuses animal rights and environmental preservation.

▲ Meat diet is a mainstream in modern society.

Animal rights mean that animals deserve any considerations regardless for being endangered or not. Livestock industry produces lots of animals because many people want meat or for their secondary products like milk or egg. Among different ways to produce them, humans abuse those animals. To get their meat, people kill animals on purpose to earn and produce their secondary products by force. In addition, livestock animals are produced in quantity, so they are usually merged in places which is small compared with their quantity. It can be stressful for them. These harsh management really harm animal rights.

▲ Many turkeys are merged in small places.

Most people are not aware of the relation between meat diet and environmental factors. According to the World Watch Institute, over fifty-one percent of greenhouse gases are produced in the livestock industry, and it is one of the major causes of global warming. It is not strange because people burn large size of forests to build pasture and farm for livestock purposes. The livestock industry is still doing these methods because many people want to eat meat.

▲ Most pastures are made by burning forests and it causes amounts of carbon dioxide.

Since many people eat meat, a large number of animals are abused, and our environment is destroyed. As we pursue it, the livestock industry is working in that way. To prevent these problems, reducing the consumption of meat would be a little help for both animals and nature. It is because little changes can lead to big results.

August 16th, 2020

By Kang Jine Ie


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