The Relation Between Weather and Disease대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-20 15:53:14

▲ Map of global temperature ⓒ ECMWF

The change in weather is getting more dangerous since global warming started. Global warming led the temperature rise, made a bigger typhoon, and killed many people by its severe weather phenomena. In South Korea, because of the above-average temperatures, the monsoonal front's extinction is delayed, and this made many people died or injured by flood or landslide. However, people are killed not only for those direct effects but also with additional effects such as diseases and illness, too.

▲ Gypsy moths that propagate abnormally in Korea because of hot weather

In this hot weather, food can easily go bad. Insects, and microbes increase exponentially. These things immediately influence our health. Likewise, climate change can destroy our natural environment. Also, this climate and environmental changes cause the abnormality of the growth of animals. The process is very simple. Moreover, it causes cardiovascular risks or musculoskeletal system disorders to humans.

There is another way that global warming influences an animal's illness. It is the rediscovery of the ancient virus. Because of global warming, the permafrost, ice caps, and glaciers meltdown, and the ancient viruses which were frozen spread again. Since the first spread of the ancient virus case found in 2004, there were four more cases of those ancient viruses being discovered.

▲ Forecast of changes in the Korean Peninsula`s climate zone due to climate change ⓒ

So, we have to take precautions about global warming and climate change. South Korea is located in a temperate zone and has various climate zones; from Jeju Island which is in a subtropical climate to Yoowonjin, which is in a subpolar zone. In those geologic characteristics, South Korea is very vulnerable to climate change that can lead to critical environmental changes.

Aug. 16th, 2020

By Lee Hyun-seo


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