Green Deal and LNG대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-28 17:08:45

▲ Green Deal

Recently, the EU is pushing the Green Deal to reduce the use of Carbon. Because of the Green Deal, environmental regulation will be reinforced. So, many companies are struggling to find a way to develop technologies to reduce Carbon in many fields. Especially, starting in 2021, the EU is planning to impose a border tax by stages to prevent industry and economy crisis. The Green Deal aims to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, protecting humans, animals, and plants by reducing pollution, and supporting environmentally friendly products and technologies. 

▲ LNG propulsion ship

In this kind of situation, there is one fuel that is receiving attention. It is LNG. Because of regulation about exhaust gases of ships, the government promoted a plan for the expansion of LNG propulsion ships and increase the investment of technologies related to them. According to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, in 2017, the emission of greenhouse gases from ships throughout the world was 833 million tonnes and 2.3 percent of all greenhouse gases emission. This is the background of the regulation. Experts are expecting that about 60 percent of ships will be replaced with eco-friendly fuels.


One of the eco-friendly fuels is LNG. LNG means Liquefied Natural Gas and composed of methane. The reason why LNG is regarded as a replacement for existing fuels is because of its advantages. It does not have environmental pollution although it is fossil fuel because incomplete combustion happens seldom, and it is low-risk of fire since it is lightweight and the self-ignition temperature is high. Also, it shows high efficiency so it is economical. Besides, as the deposits of LNG are abundant, it is possible to provide LNG stably.

Like this, LNG has lots of advantages. LNG can be a solution to reducing the use of fuels that radiate greenhouse gases.

July 25, 2020

by Kim Yerin


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