Ig Nobel Prize Winners in 2019 and Korean Winners대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-22 17:34:55

Ig Nobel Prize Winners in 2019 and Korean Winners

Interesting research results in Ig Nobel Prize

Do you know what Ig Nobel Prize is? The winners of the Ig Nobel Prize are called a week or two before the Nobel Prize winner is announced every October. Many people may know about the Nobel Prize, but some of them do not know about the Ig Nobel Prize. Ig Nobel Prize is similar to the Nobel Prize, but it is given to researchers who made a brilliant study. Few winners of the Ig Nobel Prize were Koreans.

▲ A medal of Ig Nobel Prize

Mark Abrams, the founder of the Ig Nobel Prize, said in an interview that no one starts research just to make people laugh in the beginning. He also said that he was sad that the brilliant stories that scholars worked hard on were buried unknown, so he created the Ig Nobel Prize. There have been more than 250 winners since the Ig Nobel Prize began, and four of them were Koreans.

Jang-lim Lee and Ji-won Han who are both Koreans won the prize. Jang-lim Lee predicted the end of the world, and he got the prize in the field of mathematics. Also, Ji-won Han won the prize in the field of mechanics because he studied the phenomenon of spilling coffee when we walk with a cup of coffee. He found the phenomenon when a 4Hz constant vibration occurs in a wine glass containing coffee, and a calm wave occurs on the surface. Moreover, he also found that when we use cylindrical mugs, liquid splashes out and eventually pours out in the same situation.

▲ The winner of Ig Nobel Prize, Ji-won Han

The 2020 Ig Nobel Prize winners will be announced in October 2020. Many people do not know that, but the research results of the winners are very interesting. Even surplus research in the eyes of the general public often has its own meaning in the corresponding branch of science and literature. So, there are people who are waiting for the results of the next winners of the Ig Nobel Prize.

By Jae-bin Bae


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