The Importance of Recycling대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-07 16:00:45

These days, the use of disposable container packages has been increasing since lots of people are staying in their homes. However, it seems that recycling is not being practiced well. If recycling is ignored, it may have a bad influence on nature.

▲ Recycling is not practiced well these days.

Many people have done recycling in the wrong way, and most of them do not know that they are wrong. They do not know well what trash should be recycled and whatnot. Additionally, there are some cautions when they recycle specific trashes like broken glass or polluted plastic, but most people forget or do not understand about it. Also, some business owners are tired of senseless recycling. Moreover, among a number of trashes, only a quarter of it can be recycled. Since lots of trashes are eliminated by regulation, most of them should be incinerated. Taking this as an example, we can conclude that recycling is not being practiced well in our daily life.

▲ Some wastes should be recycled in specific ways.

Why people should recycle lots of trashes? Of course, it is related to nature. If unfiltered trashes are being incinerated, amounts of carbon dioxide will be released. In addition, the possibility of having a fire incident cannot be ignored especially during dry weather. On the other hand, it can also affect human society, especially on the lives of the workers who are in a disposal business. If the number of trash increases, the cost of recyclable waste decreases which triggers an increase of loss. This is why recycling is an important procedure.

▲ Incineration is not the best way to reduce trashes for environment.

According to some researchers, recycling should be practiced well. It is because improper disposal of trashes has a harmful effect on civilization as well as on nature or the environment. If we recycle our wastes more, our society will find harmony, and the earth will also be a harmonious planet like how it was in the past. For that, people should remember that recycling is an essential process not just for the present generation but also for the future.

July 5th, 2020

By Kang Jine Ie


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