The New Cosmic Age대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-02 16:54:30

▲ Picture of `Crew Dragon` launch

The world's first civilian-manned spacecraft, Crew Dragon, arrived at the International Space Station at 400km above Earth at 10:16 a.m. local time on May 31. It docked 19 hours after the arrival. It was launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida the afternoon before. Astronauts stay in the ISS for up to four months to conduct research. They will research space in the ISS. Crew Dragon not only marks the beginning of the private space business but also boasts infinite potential and excellent exploration capabilities.

▲ Space X logo

Space X is Elon Musk's company. Elon Musk began to map out several projects, aware of his usual curiosity about the universe and the limited resources of Earth. One of the projects was to launch a civilian-manned spacecraft, the Crew Dragon, to explore space. Elon Musk challenged various scientific projects to achieve his dream. He ventured into a private space business called Space X, an unmanned vehicle called Tesla, and finally launched the first civilian-manned spacecraft into space.

U.S. President Donald Trump said of the project, "It's an incredible skill and power. We became world leaders again. This is just the beginning. We're going to Mars." For the time being, NASA will use Crew Dragon instead of their self-contained spacecraft. This indicates that Crew Dragon has been recognized by NASA for its excellent exploration performance and stability. In fact, NASA has almost stopped a project to send humans into space. The reason was, of course, money. It costs a lot of money every time they fire a rocket, and it must have been quite a burden not only for NASA but also for national leaders to keep pouring money into projects with unclear results. But a private company called Space X, created by Elon Musk, solved this problem instead. It's not only developed but has also reduced the cost of firing rockets. The success marks a milestone in the history of aerospace and has shown the potential of private companies to develop in aerospace.

So far, there have been several space expeditions by mankind. Among them, the U.S. and the former Soviet Union were definitely at the center. The United States and the Soviet Union (now Russia) have been constantly competing in various fields since World War II. One of the areas was the space business. The United States and the Soviet Union competed in various space fields such as satellites, moon arrival, and space exploration. They competed with neck-and-neck skills. Although the space race ended with the breakup of the Soviet Union, it seems clear that the United States has entered the big space business again. Space X is expected to contribute to South Korea's satellite transmission, scientific information delivery, and the country's space business and information development to some extent. The whole world is looking forward to seeing what results in the research will reveal and how the Crew Dragon will solve questions about the universe.


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