Survival Competition : Road to Kingdom대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-06-11 17:17:04

On April 30th, 2020, the Mnet survival competition program, Road to Kingdom began. It is a contest for male idols to go to "the kingdom". Kingdom's cast is composed of house-hold names. Two winning teams will be selected to appear in Kingdom.

The cast members of Road to Kingdom will complete four contests. A total of two teams will be eliminated during the competition. The team has the highest total points for each contest, and the final live broadcast will appear in Kingdom. The team that wins the final live broadcast will appear too. But, if the top-scoring team and the final live broadcast winning team are the same, only one team will appear on Kingdom.

The starting teams for the Road to Kingdom are Pentagon, Golden Child, ONF, The Boyz, Oneus, Verivery, and TOO.

Before the main contest, they held a face-to-face ceremony. They performed for 90 seconds. Each team prepared a stage and each performed well. The winner was The Boyz. TOO came in last. This contest's results aren't reflected in the final results, but all of the teams practiced hard for this contest.

The first contest is the "King's Song". They covered their senior's songs. Block B, Shinee, Taemin, H.O.T, TVXQ, SHINHWA, and Seventeen's songs were covered. The winner of this contest was The Boyz. They covered Taemin's "Danger". The last place was Oneus. They covered H.O.T's "A Warrior Descendant".

The second contest is "My Song". They covered their own team's song. They chose a song that well represents their team. TOO chose their debut song, "Magnolia". The Boyz chose their new song, "Reveal". The winner was The Boyz. Golden Child came in last. After the second contest, one team had to be eliminated. The team with the lowest sum score for the first and second contests was eliminated. Golden Child was eliminated.

The third contest is divided into two rounds. The first round is a collaboration stage. They each collaborated with another team for their performance. The results for this contest will be released in the coming days. Stay tuned to find out who the winner of the Kingdom will be.


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