The Pandemic of Racial Discrimination대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-11 18:34:54

Not only COVID-19 but also disgust has been spreading all over the world since the COVID-19 global flare-up. In Europe, Asians, especially Chinese, have become the target of segregation. Similarly, in China, foreigners, particularly Africans, are discriminated against. Because of COVID-19, people are becoming agitated and solving issues through racial discrimination, which can lead to criminal behavior.

Asian Segregation in Europe

▲ ˝I am not Chinese˝ T shirt

▲ Example of other versions

" I am not Chinese" T-shirts have become popular. They are sold through online malls and are used to avoid becoming the target of racially motivated criminal behavior toward Chinese people. There are other versions, specifying where the wearer came from. However, Chinese netizens have reacted negatively to these T-shirts because it may make the segregation worse.

Racially motivated crimes are also increasing. There are many cases of racially motivated crimes against Asians living in Europe; they are teased, discriminated against, and even assaulted. It can be seen in the one incident on Instagram on March 15; in a video, a man follows an old woman, who is assumed to be Korean and pours sanitizer on her. This became a big issue, and netizens are still searching for blame.

Racial Discrimination in China

There is also racial discrimination in China. In China, harm to African foreigners is increasing. This is because of the Nigerians who didn't follow the safety regulations. However, innocent Africans are also being discriminated against. Places such as hotels, restaurants, and stores are expelling Africans. Also, Africans are placed in forced quarantine without reason. Because of these cases of discrimination, negative sentiments toward China are spreading in African countries.

Cases of segregation and racially motivated crimes are increasing daily. However, segregation is inconducive to progress. It only causes harm and can interrupt logical health control measures. Thus, we must be vigilant about racial discrimination.


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