Are They Really Invasive in the Ecosystem?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-04-24 14:20:59

Last week, the National Institute of Ecology notified that five creatures are added in the number of species which disturb the ecosystem. Everyone knows, that news about new creatures that disturb the ecosystem is a critical issue in terms of protecting the environment. It is the reason why the government made a list of those dangerous species in the national ecosystem.

Species which disturb the ecosystem are organisms that the Minister of Environment notified as dangerous since they were judged to have worse influence in the ecosystem according to the results of ecological risk assessment. They are banned to be kept, imported, exported, cultured, and stored except when allowed by the Environmental Office for research. Those organisms are notified to be dangerous because they decrease the number of other creatures and increase their entity, so it can be a threat to the ecosystem consequently.

▲ Nutria is a well-known example of invasive creature.

Usually, dangerous species are exotic creatures, therefore, most people think exotic organisms influence badly in the environment. However, some of them are not so dangerous. Apple snail is an exotic creature, but it helps in weeding, so many farmers use this creature in farming. This was the reason why apple snail was not assigned as one of the dangerous species in the ecosystem. Likewise, daisy fleabane and evening primrose are also exotic plants, but they prevent soil loss and make the soil fertile so that other plants grow well.

▲ Evening primrose prevent soil loss and make soil fertile.

Conversely, there are aboriginal plants which disturb the ecosystem. For example, Humulus japonicus is an exotic organism as an ornamental plant, yet it prevents the growth of other plants, so it disrupts the balance in the national biodiversity. Moreover, it causes an allergy that damages the health of humans.

▲ Although it is an aboriginal plant, humulus japonicus disrupts balance in the ecosystem.

According to sources, the standard of dangerous species in the ecosystem is in the perspective of society. If it harms society, it is considered dangerous or not important. These days, bio-diversity also becomes very important and problems about it are also continuing. Maybe some people want a harmonious life here on Earth regardless of these invasive species, so it may be sad news to them.

April 19th, 2020

By Kang Jine Ie


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