Zoo Is Just Big Cage대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-03-11 15:59:02
  • 수정 2020-03-11 15:59:21

In September 2018, in Daejun, South Korea, there was an incident that a puma escaped from a zoo, and it was killed to prevent damage to human life. After that, people argued if a zoo is in need of humans. These days, the opinion that keeping animals in a zoo is a kind of animal abuse and negligence of life is claimed by many people. So, a zoo can be a cage for animals and the greed of humans.

▲ Many animals in a zoo are living in improper environment.

As the notion of rank has formed in human society, animals were believed as a symbol of authority. For instance, hierarchs often used accessories made from parts of specific animals like fur, tooth or feather. In 1400 to 1700, royal families or nobles nurtured and exhibited animals to show off their power and wealth, and it was a fashion in their society. Like what history showed to people, animals have been used by the greed of humans since a long time ago.

▲ From long time ago, humans use animals for their needs.

Then, what kind of cruelties are conducted to animals in a zoo? Basically, people capture animals in the wild so that they can have improper habitats. Although zookeepers decorate their cage to become similar to their habitats, there is a limit that animals feel satisfaction. Moreover, animals will get severe stress if they meet lots of humans. These days, it seems that zoos that let people experience touching or feeding animals are in trend. A kind of animal show in a zoo is also famous, so people enjoy watching it. However, it can also be a huge stress to animals. That is why, now, many animals are suffering and dying because of stress.

▲ Still, lots of animals are used in animal show by humans and they get severe stress.

So, a zoo cannot be a shelter to animals. If humans really love animals, they should make them live in their natural habitats, which is in the wild. As awareness about animal rights becomes important, many people started to make an opinion for the sake of animals. This time, animals may dream about the future when they can be free in the wild.

March 8th, 2020

By Kang Jine Ie


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