Due to Fourth Industrial Revolution, Does Human Society Structure Conform?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-02-14 14:42:50

▲ Person who seeks for the job

▲ Korean unemployment rate ⓒ Jungang Ilbo and Korean Statistical Office

Because of robots and automation, more than fifty thousand jobs are fading away, and humans are also losing their careers. However, human societies are unchanging, and many people are just worrying, resisting and insisting that humans have to stop relying on AIs.

In ancient times, human jobs existed because of their survival. Occupations made people earn some money, with labor as a guarantee of it. However, with the 4th Industrial Revolution, humans do not need to use their thews. AIs, robots, and automation made people live comfortably, and they don't have to do anything difficult or dangerous. In other words, it means that the "real utopia" is coming. However, humans still meditate upon unemployment because jobs are the only way that makes humans available to generate revenues. Therefore, this means that human society and benefit creation plans need to be changed, to match the new age.

The Cold war between the U.S.A. and Soviet, the Soviet Union's fall, and China's economic change made people now in such positions of authority to believe that socialism and communism are wrong. That is true that the elimination of private property made people lose production desire. However, with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and robots that do not have to own their private properties, communism should be delighted. Nationalization of mechanized means of production and the use of the profits that are earned from it to humans; as widen welfare, for example, a national salary or tax exemption, like how communism did make individuals live their lives.

▲ Artificial Intelligence ⓒ Joseon Ilbo

Fourth Industrial Revolution is coming, and humans are losing jobs. Sociologists must build new social structures. Meanwhile, society should own mechanized means of production and the members of society share it and thus remove the necessity of human labor. This can be the breakthrough for human survival with a job-winning fight against a machine.

Feb. 9th, 2020

By Lee Hyun-seo


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