Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-02-13 16:15:22

The whole world is alarmed because of the new coronavirus which is known as 2019-nCoV. Twenty-four countries have already novel coronavirus, and China has over ten thousand victims,. 2019-nCoV seems to have two to fourteen days of the incubation period, and over time, it will cause high fever, coughing, pneumonia, difficulty in breathing, and other respiratory symptoms.

This novel coronavirus was first spotted in Wuhan, China causing a group of pneumonia victims to die because of bat infections. This novel coronavirus is similar to bat coronavirus (89.1 percent), SARS (77.5 percent), MERS (50 percent), and another coronavirus (39~43 percent). This virus can infect both animals and humans. This virus appeared because of bats. Nowadays, humans' sphere of activity has stretched, so there is a possibility that we can be infected. Up to now, experts have found seven kinds of coronavirus which is HCoV-HKU1, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and 2019-nCoV. 2019-nCoV is a coronavirus which is spread by an infected person's droplet. If the droplet passes through the eyes, nose, mouth or mucous membrane, it goes down to the respiratory system. This virus is estimated to infect at least one person.

▲ Infection of coronavirus

The new coronavirus' vaccine is not yet found, so there is still no cure. Now, there is no exact solution, but doctors have prescribed medicines such as antiviral drugs or antibiotics to block infection. Not to be infected by preventing in advance is important. As stated, the virus can spread by direct droplet from an infected person or by rubbing dirty hands to eyes, nose, or mouth, so after going out, we should wash our hands for over thirty seconds and wash them with soap. Also, in order not to infect other people, we should cover our mouth when coughing, and if you go to a medical institution, you should wear a mask.

▲ How to prevent coronavirus

The novel coronavirus has spread all over the world. We have to be careful not to be infected. If we prevent this in advance by washing our hands, we will be able to avoid the danger of getting infected. We have to be argent because if we do not do this, we will not know who will be infected next, so we should be careful.

February eight, 2020

By Woo-yuep Kim


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