K-beauty Festival Held in Busan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-27 13:11:59

K-beauty has been a great trend all over the world. These days, many tourists go to South Korea to buy K-beauty items and get information about makeup classes. Through many K-pop stars and Korean dramas, international fans' attention for K-beauty is growing more and more. So, Korean cosmetic companies' business is greater every day, and the total exports attained last year were $6.89 billion according to the Korea Cosmetic Association. For this reason, the K-beauty festival was held at BEXCO in Busan for two days.

▲ The scene of ASEAN-Rok K-beauty Festival

The K-beauty festival had a slogan "ASEAN beauty, Make up Our Dreams". The festival's objective was to connect guests from ASEAN countries and South Korea by sharing each other's culture and beauty. The contents of a lot of booths in the festival introduced the way K-beauty considered something advanced. Moreover, people could experience vividly the locations where natural cosmetic ingredients are sourced. Also, the festival had various activities like the recording of the TV show, "Get It Beauty", launched in 2006. This is produced by entertainment mogul CJ ENM.

This festival was divided into four sections, SME zone, ROK-ASEAN zone, Mutual Growth zone, and K-beauty experience zone, and K-beauty experience zone. Besides, there were many kinds of facial sheet masks. They were on display in the festival because the K-beauty became trendy by showing various facial sheet masks. For example, L&P cosmetic's mediheal brand, promoted by K-pop juggernaut, BTS, has sold over 1.7 Billion sheet masks globally.

▲ The Logo of TV show, ˝Get It Beauty˝
Like this, many events about beauty are held in South Korea. Through these festivals and events, people around the world can experience advanced K-beauty deeply. If you do not have an opportunity to visit South Korea, then you can watch beauty programs like "Get It Beauty" by using your phone.

December 15th, Ha Yiahn


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