Connected Homes대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-25 10:11:44

▲ connected home

 Technologies are developing every day, so our life is changing every second. Technologies which are famous are robots, A.I. and many more. And, now, these technologies are improving and getting smarter. Homes with these kinds of technologies are called connected homes. In other words, connected home products are things that enable to have an interconnection and interoperability between many devices and applications. One of the examples that you may know is the technology which is able to control the thing at home inside and outside. With this product, you can turn off the lights or turn on the air conditioner outside.

▲ SmartThings

 The basic technologies of connected homes are networking, home security, and monitoring, energy management, and healthcare. First, networking is a technology that people know well because this technology is used by many people every day. Second, there are networking technologies that are available nowadays such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G, LTE, and 5G. Third, home security technology and monitoring technology do not only protect your house's windows and doors but also control heating, air conditioning, lighting, and home appliances. Fourth, there is an energy management technology that helps people to check their gas and electricity consumption. Lastly, you can check our health easily with healthcare technologies.

 Many companies are working hard to develop connected home technologies. One example is a smart TV. With this, you can connect your TV with other devices like a smartphone. So, it is able to see things inside a house and control the lights and temperature. Also, if you use a smart TV, it will be easy to enjoy the channel that you like. The SmartThings is an application created by Samsung. It is an application that helps to connect devices. This kind of technology is being developed every day, and it is changing our life.

November. 14, 2019

by Kim Yerin


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