Gene-swapping for Children대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-25 10:10:27

▲ The image of the movie ˝Gattaca˝

 In the movie, "Gattaca", parents want genetic reconstitution to give a brighter future for their child, but they cannot decide due to ethical problems. If we are using gene-swapping publicly, we can anticipate its pros and cons. From the perspective of pros, children born with better abilities by gene-swapping can occupy an advantageous position first. Also, the development of this technology can be a ray of light for parents who are not willing to give birth to a baby because of a hereditary disease. However, it has its dark side, too. If the parents who do not try the gene-swapping because of religious doctrines and financial problems can feel guilty. Moreover, its side effects can be found after the surgery. We can see an intron in the gene which contains no genetic information but just occupies the place. However, this might bring about specific disorders when the alterations will develop in the gene. This happening is extremely hazardous because we do not know the direct results of babies. Although gene technology is getting more sophisticated and exact, we are still in a situation that unknown parts are far more than the known things.

▲ The sheep named Dolly which was cloned
 Researches in the 20th century and people took a hand in everything of DNA after 1970. Various technologies were emerged such as genetic reconstitution technology, cloning of creatures and embryonic stem cells. In February 1997, Dolly, the cloned sheep was born with this technology. This probability increases the anticipation of cloning humans as well. However, countries and agencies all over the world regulate it strictly. When stem cell researches were in a sudden rise in 1998, human duplication was spotlighted in the form of embryonic replications. We can get any cells of organs if we control preconditions of a fertilized egg which divided into various stem cells in the womb. So, human embryonic replication is still on the continuation of research in spite of a bitter controversy because it has the ability to make alteration cells and organs.

 At present, because of Moore's Law, technology increases geometrically, but there are still many ethical problems exist. To progress embryonic stem cell researches, an ovum is necessary. However, it is very rare that it appears only once in a month in a woman's body. However, a woman who extracts ovum can suffer from stomachache, ovarian cancer, and even death. Then, should we extract ovum by harming health of donors? Ovum gets the potential of birthing creatures, but the reason that we destroy it because the purpose of study is clearly killing someone's life. Nowadays, science is improving and becoming more advanced, but still, we have to be careful of some developments may harm us.

November 23rd, 2019

by Kim Dae-hwan


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