The Survey and Solutions for Obese People대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-18 16:10:46

▲ Obese person

As you know, obesity is a very serious problem in modern life. Commonly, almost obese people suffer from diabetes. On the other hand, people who are obese have a high rate of suffering from diabetes. By eating healthy meals, cutting down one's sugar intake, and so on, we can get out of obesity.

Obese people are more susceptible to contracting diabetes than those who are not, as what a survey showed on Friday. They have a 156 percent greater chance of contracting diabetes than those who are not obese, and 51,485 people carried out by a research team led by Professor Kwon Hyock-sang of Saint Mary's Hospital in Seoul.

To solve this problem, obese people reduce their body mass index by over nine percent of their BMI. BMI means a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters and is widely used as a screening tool for being overweight or obese.

▲ This is a healthy meal.

To reduce BMI, we can practice doing good things in our daily lives. First, we should intake healthy meals every day. This is because unhealthy diets can easily boost your body mass index. So, we should try to maintain healthy and balanced diet. Second, we need to cut down our sugar intake. Sugar is one of the main culprits in raising the body mass index. In addition, most people on average eat more than the recommended amount of sugar. Third, we should get health counseling. There are many people who have bad eating habits due to emotional or behavioral problems. In such cases, with the help of mental health professionals with sufficient knowledge and training experience, they can manage and overcome their urges to diet and food.

About five million people are currently suffering from diabetes in South Korea, according to industry data. In the future, a figure expected to surpass 600 million by 2015. For the future, obese people should reduce weight by eating healthy meals, cutting down one's sugar intake, and getting health counseling, and so on.

November. 10th, 2019

By Sunkyung Lim


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