South Korea‘s New Domestic OTT Services Will Begin대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-27 16:51:01

▲ Wavve logo image

YouTube, Netflix, and TikTok, which are the three top OTT services all over the world, have increased subscribers over 15 percent compared to the previous year. According to Nielsen KoreanClick, the net number of OTT users in the three major foreign countries reached about 29.98 million in July, up to 15.5 percent and 4.03 million from the same period last year. YouTube increased the most with 26.32 million subscribers while Netflix jumped up to 4.4 times from a year ago with 1.86 million as the survey showed. On the other hand, seven OTTs in South Korea, including Oksusu, Naver TV, U+Mobile TV, MX Player, Pooq, Olleh TV Mobile, and Afreeca TV, totaled 12.74 million subscribers up to 10.4 percent and 1.48 million from a year ago. Oksusu and Pooq, which will be integrated into Wavve next month, rose to 3.36 million and 1.4 million subscribers respectively, but the five other OTTs, including Naver TV, have decreasing numbers of users.

▲ oksusu and pooq integrated

Wavve is an online video platform that is scheduled to be officially serviced by SK Telecom and three other terrestrial TV companies in September. SK Telecom's preemptive "Pooq Marketing" is showing effects such as an increase in the number of paid subscribers. After commercializing 5G, SK Telecom has released additional monthly payment service that allows users to use Pooq with unlimited data. It is heard that SK Telecom is planning to carry out aggressive marketing so that it can increase the level of paid subscribers of Pooq between 14 and 1.5 million by the end of this year. SK Telecom's Pooq related marketing is expected to expand in line with the launch of Wavve through the merging of the integrated company.

▲ Wavve coming soon

2019, September 21st

By Bak Jeong-Heon


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