Is Global Warming Serious Problem?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-02 17:23:26

In our generation and even in our parents' generation, we have been educated about the problem of global warming and its seriousness. Also, we have been educated how to prevent or delay it. Most of the journalists have always said that the present is the peak of the crisis, and we must do anything that can be helpful to the Earth. Not only the journalists but also the celebrities who are talking and showing concern about global warming like Leonardo DiCaprio make us intensify our interest in solving the problem. Because of the efforts of mass media, most people hold an urgent view of global warming. Then, is climate change indeed a serious matter that we, the whole citizens of the Earth, should seek its solution by reuniting ourselves?

▲ American actor Leonardo DiCaprio addressed the United Nations Climate Change Summit.

Science and politics have a close relationship, so we cannot answer this simple question. However, Professor Jordan Peterson said that surely it is not that a big problem in comparison with the other problem that humankind has to figure out, and also, the humankind will not be reunited by the problem. Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish author and president of his think tank, Copenhagen Consensus Center, made a team with competent researchers, and they determined the ranking of the task that they have to figure. The first task was saving children who are suffering from malnutrition. Clearly, this could be related to solving climate change. By improving and enhancing our thinking, we could raise a number of heroes who will find the breakthrough.

▲ The Ministry of Environment in Korea also has done many campaigns with celebrities.

This answer might seem selfish, but it could be the best ways to advance our future. As we are observing the tendency of climate change projection, it is not a reliable answer at first because of the uncertainty. Over the years, this uncertainty will get bigger, and we cannot predict the outcome of our behavior either. Financial Times suggested that the best solution when we are not able to know what is the real threat, bequeathing the present appearance of Earth is the best thing to do.

For several years, climate change has been regarded as a global problem. At the same time, skeptic thinking has powerful.

August 24th, 2019

by Kim Dae-hwan


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