About Poverty대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-27 12:24:40

Nowadays, a lot of people are starving and dying all around the world, especially in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. According to the UN's report, in 1990, there were 820 billion people who were starving, and in 2005, 850 billion people were conditioned in famine. 

This figure can be interpreted in two options. First, the number of people who are dying with famine is constantly increasing, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. Second, the number of people who are suffering from severe malnutrition is slightly decreasing compared to the rate of increase in population. In 1990, 20 percent of the world population was suffered in severe malnutrition.

In 1999, it became 19 percent and shrank proportionally. Also, 35 percent of people who are living in Africa, 14 percent in Latin America and the Caribbean and 18 percent in Southeast Asia are languishing because of hunger. Why this is happening, and how to change this state?

▲ Statistics of World Famine

Poverty can be divided into two ways, absolute poverty, and relative poverty. Relative poverty usually happens in developed countries because it is caused by a sense of inferiority. Judging yourself between richer people can make you feel a sense of shame, and this sense leads to relative poverty even though you are not poor in all social structures. Absolute poverty also resembles with relative poverty by only one thing, people's greedy mind. However, it happens because of the very few people. In the case of Africa, there are lots of military groups, so they fight each other to get all the power of their country. In this process, innocent people are attacked by them and killed. Also, Chicago grain stock exchange market which determines the price of the grains makes this situation much worse. In fact, the contract is succeeded by a few big grain tradespeople. They do not make a good decision for starving countries and people without batting an eye.

▲ typical relative poverty, class of spoon

▲ Main Culprit of Absolute Poverty, Chicago Grain Stock Exchange Market

Then, where is the hope? Hope is in gradually changing public awareness. Nowadays, more and more people clearly appreciate that the unreasonable poverty and famine are caused by murderous and surd world economic order. We must join efforts and try to settle a serious global problem.

Feb. 10th, 2019

by Kim Dae-Hwan


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