Environmental Campaigns of Two Companies대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-27 12:23:04

There are many problems are around the world. One of the serious problems is environmental pollution. Because of environmental pollution, there are many disasters that break out, so our environment is being destroyed. To protect our environment, many companies around the world do their best to do many campaigns like using paper straw instead of plastic straw. There are many companies doing environmental campaigns. The companies Lush and Starbucks are the most famous companies which implemented environmental campaigns.

▲ the picture of the environmental problem

The company Lush is very famous for its products such as shampoo, soap, lotion and other materials used for bath preparation. However, this company is also famous for doing an environmental campaign. This company's main platform is decreasing the usage of plastic. So, first, they made solid shampoo to decrease the usage of plastic. People usually use shampoo in a plastic bottle with a plastic cap. When we use a solid shampoo, we are helping in minimizing the use of plastics. Next, when the customers bring five plastic bottles named black pods, the customers can take a new ware. So, this company cleans these pods and recycles them. Because of these campaigns, they can decrease the usage of plastic.

▲ the logo of Lush

Moreover, the international company, Starbucks, is famous for beverage and tumblers. However, when you search this company's site, you can see their environmental campaigns. This company participates in many kinds of campaigns like reducing the usage of paper and plastic. In reducing the usage of paper, this company made a digital receipt in their application. Many stores waste paper by using it as a receipt, so Starbucks helps in minimizing the usages of papers by using a mobile receipt. Next, when the customers use their own tumblers, they can buy beverages for a cheaper price. Also, when the customers drink their beverage in Starbucks' store, they cannot use plastic cups. Also, when the customers take out their beverage with straw, this company does not provide plastic straw. Instead, they provide paper straw.

▲ the logo of Starbucks

There are many kinds of campaigns around the world that help to maintain our natural resources and not destroying our environment. Lush and Starbucks are companies which also participate in environmental campaigns. If many companies and people participate in this kind of campaign, we can solve many environmental problems.

Feb.16, 2019

by Sebin Hwang


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