To Live Longer, Watch Out for Cancer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-27 10:40:13

Most people in South Korea die because of cancer. Cancer causes three out of ten people in South Korea to be dead. Especially, lung cancer and liver cancer ranked first and second in the cause of mortality in 2017. Besides, stomach cancer, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and cancer of the esophagus was the 11 types of cancer which have a high attack rate.

▲ South Korean should watch out for lung cancer

First of all, lung cancer has the highest mortality rate. About 22.8% of patients died of lung cancer. This type of cancer can happen because of many reasons. If you are a smoker, you may get non-small cell lung cancer. However, even if you are not a smoker, you can get lung cancer because of smog and fine dust. That is called adenocarcinoma which has the most incidence rate of lung cancer. Second, liver cancer can also be a cause of death. About one out of ten people die because of this. The main reason why you get liver cancer is the hepatitis B virus, which can cause incidence 100 to 200 times more. Also, if you have hepatitis C virus, you can get liver cancer ten times more than other people. Lastly, South Korea has the highest attack rate of colorectal cancer in the world. As the eating habit become westernized, the number of cancer patients is increasing. Moreover, lack of exercise is one of the most common reasons for getting cancer.

▲ Colorectal cancer become common among South Korean

To prevent cancer, having a good eating habit is the easiest and most important thing you can do. Ginger, lemon, tomato, mushroom and sea mustard are good for your lungs. Especially, a smoker should eat tomato as it has nutrients which can help nicotine detoxification. Blueberry, spinach, turmeric, olive oil, seaweed, grapefruit, garlic, apple, and porridge are good for preventing liver cancer. Especially, spinach, turmeric, and seaweed are good for your liver. Spinach has antioxidant effacement, turmeric has a lot of cholagogue in it, and seaweed can make hepatocyte cell growth factor. Finally, for colorectal cancer, sweet potato, cabbage, onion and broccoli can have good effects to your body, Especially, cabbage is a good vegetable to eat for breakfast.

▲ you can prevent cancer by regular living habits

Eating vegetables and fruits more, and having regular eating habits are important to stay healthy. However, since medical technology has improved, there is nothing better than dietary therapy. Also, exercising regularly can help you live a long life happily.

February 9th, 2019

by 장유진


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