Foods That May Help Prevent Alzheimer‘s대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-12-29 17:32:19

While there is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease-a chronic neuro-degenerative disease considered to be one of the biggest threats to South Korea's future economy-researchers have found that certain foods may reduce one's risk of developing Alzheimer's.

▲ Expectation of Rate of Alzheimer`s Patients

What is Alzheimer's disease? It is defined as the disorder of cognitive function, so someone cannot retain his life himself. There are various reasons why the Alzheimer's happens, but they have in common on decreasing brain cell or breaking down the connection of brain for decision. It is one of the biggest problems in many advanced countries which were faced with an aging society. In Korea, now, the rates of dementia is high that nine percent of seniors who aged over 65 is dementia.

▲ Symptoms Of Alzheimer`s

Then, what do you think is the best ways to prevent Alzheimer's? According to Dr. Moon Yeon-sil from Konkuk University Medical Center, those who follow a Mediterranean diet have a significantly lower chance of developing Alzheimer's disease than those who don't. The diet consists of high consumption of olive oil, legumes, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and moderate consumption of red wine. The specific study researched a total of 2,258 individuals who were living in New York City for ten years. Those who followed the specific diet strictly were 40 times less likely to develop the disease than those who did not follow it at all. Also, moderate consumption of alcohol, milk, and coffee can delay the disease. Caffeine is known to block inflammation in the brain, and milk could be one of the best sources of a key vitamin, B12.

▲ The Mediterranean Diet

On the other hand, a researcher in Japan found that traditional Japanese diet including beans, fish, eggs, potatoes, and seaweed is also much less likely to develop Alzheimer's.

With the elderly population rapidly increasing, dementia is considered one of the most serious threats to Korea's future economy. To prevent or delay the disease, Dr. Moon recommended consuming the above foods. Also, you have to avoid foods such as fast food, fried food, and sweets.

2018. 12. 9, Kim Dae-Hwan


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