LG Merged Furniture with Home Appliances대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-19 17:37:48

LG Electronics held an event to announce LG Objet at Mos Studio in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the 1st, an introduced a refrigerator which has a factory price of 199,000 won and humid air purifiers which cost 6.49 million won each. In LG Objet, there are four items, and these are the refrigerator, air purifier, audio, and TV. As it is a customized order method, it will take weeks for the items to be delivered.

▲ LG Objet

LG Electronics is planning to expand its position of premium home appliances through 'LG Objet' brand that combines furniture and home appliances. If the existing LG Signature brand purses the quality to premium, the LG Objet is created to focus on the private lifestyle of quality plus modern living space. Song Dae-hyun, president of LG Electronics H&A Business Headquarters, said at the Mos Studio in Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul on Monday, that they have prepared a living system that is suitable for consumers.

Refrigerators and air purifiers have lights on the bottom and are automatically charged when smartphones are placed on top of it. As it is used in private spaces, it has applied technologies to prevent noise. Ultra HD TV, three-layer storage cabinet, and sound bar are combined. If a screen is pushed from side to side, it can be used as a storage room. To make these products, LG collaborated with Stefano Giovannoni, an Italian designer. He is a tycoon in industrial design, who has lots of works. He also said that it took almost two years to choose material designs.

LG Electronics is going to start selling LG Objet models in major department stores and specialty stores on November 1st. You can choose from nine colors such as Black Brown and Modern Gray. As is it a customized order method, it usually takes up to three weeks for the final delivery of the product after ordering it.


By Bak Jeong-Heon


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