AI times- Many People‘s Opinion대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-19 17:15:41

Nowadays, scientific technology is developing. The robots or humans are developing more following the third Industrial Revolution. So we use AI in many places like home and school. Some people think AI is

useful, but other people think it is very dangerous.

▲ Today, AI is our future. So, many people try to develop these AI.(IEEE Spectrum)

First, we live in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In the fourth industrial revolution, AI is the most important thing. AI is the abbreviation of artificial intelligence. It is machine-made intelligence. So, it can do most things.

Second, the most typical positive opinions about AI can be seen on Yann LeCun's research. Yann LeCun's discovered deep learning: a set of an algorithm. It is a field of machine learning to teach a computer how to think. Also, many scientists have a positive opinion about AI. They research and study about robots like AI, and they said that it is not easy to create intelligence without how humans manifest the function of artificial intelligence. For example, Lee Sadol and AlphaGo

played Go game in 2016. So, we know about AI's intelligence and our scientific technology. Also, some houses use robotic vacuum cleaners in the house. It helps us to clean and to conserve our energy.

Third, there are also negative opinions on AI. The Moravec's paradox said "Easy to human is difficult for

 computer and easy to computer is difficult for human." Like this, some scientists think AI is dangerous in the world. Some of them even say if the AI is used in our world, they have many harmful

influences. First, they have cost problems. To develop the AI, the country should use a lot of budgets.

Second, we can lose your job. Almost nothing you can do with artificial intelligence, so we can lose our jobs. Third, the jobs may shrink. Today, we have competition in the jobs. So, the employment problem can be serious.

There are many different ideas of AI. However, the field of science is getting renewed. AI times is

coming today, so we should try to be open-minded about it.


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