To Be a Computer Programmer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-07 20:08:52

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution comes, computer programming becomes a popular job. However, many people do not know what they should be good to be a computer programmer. There are many things to consider to be a computer programmer.

First, you should enjoy learning new things. In programming, you get new information and new library every day, and its speed is too fast that it is almost impossible to catch up what had happened while you are sleeping. So, learning is a daily job for the most programmers. Therefore, if you are afraid of learning new things, you have to think again whether this job is really good for you or not.

Second, you should enjoy computer programming and making a new project. Since programming is a very tough task to do, if you do not like programming, the computer programmer will be the worst job you have ever met. On the other hand, if you really like programming, the computer programmer will be the best job you have ever met. So, evaluate yourself whether you enjoy programming or not.

Third, you should be good at logical thinking. A program is full of logical process. You have to think what exceptions there could be, what process you should use, how the program will be working and many more. If you are not good at logical thinking, it will be hard for you to make a program.

If you are thinking of becoming a computer programmer, please read this and think whether you are suitable on being a programmer or not.


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