A King Kong Lives Upstairs대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-07 18:26:43

What do you usually do in your free time? Do you read books, play games, or surf the Internet? Well, there would be more, but what if you are enjoying these things above and get annoyed by an unpleasant sound upstairs? You would not feel that good. These noise complaint problems are becoming a huge issue.

▲ Let`s make a better relationship between neighbors by being careful of noises

Ulsan Okdong I-Park is very close to high schools. So, there is a majority of high school students living there. However, recently, there had been a lot of complaints about noise problems. From an interview by a Haksung High School student, Kim, he said that there would be a mock test soon, so he should prepare well for it. But, because of the noise coming from upstairs, I cannot concentrate easily. According to Dong-A news, because of these kinds of noise problems, a 30-year-old man killed a woman upstairs who was making unpleasant noises.

Not only the annoying problem, but there are the cost problems, too. If there are lots of noise complaints in the apartments, many people would think that the soundproof facilities are poor. A realtor said that because of these sound problems, the price got 10 million won lower.

▲ Many people are suffering from noise upstairs

Health problems are going to be a big issue too. By a thesis from Professor Jung who is from Daegu University, he said that different decibels coming from upstairs can give people health problems. Starting from 60 decibels, people get annoyed from sleeping. Over 90 decibel can make a little bit of loss of their hearing abilities. Over 100 decibel occurs problem to their sexual hormones, and over 130 decibels, people's eardrum gets broken."

Noise problems can make people suffer from health, cost, and study problems. According to this information, we should be much more careful about our noise because it could be unpleasant to our neighbors.

2018.9.29 By Hyeonsu, Park

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