Why Gap Between the Rich and Poor Exists? 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-09-27 17:41:39

According to a parliamentary report, the total earnings of those in the top 0.1 percent are 1000 times more than those in the bottom ten percent. The average earned the income of the top 0.1 percent bracket is 660 million won per person last year. Their combined annual income of 11.7 trillion won accounted for 2.66 percent of the nation's total earned the income of 440 trillion won. However, the bottom ten percent group earned an average 690,000 won last year, and their overall income of 1.2 trillion won accounted for 0.28 percent.

▲ photo of South Africa by drone

Not only South Korea but also many other countries have trouble about the gap between the rich and poor. In 2014, by the report of OECD, there were ranks in the gap between the poor and rich. The highest one was Mexico, followed by Chile, Turkey, U.S.A., and Lithuania. South Korea was ranked 27. Then, from 2007 to 2014, the highest one was Chile, followed by Mexico, U.S.A., Turkey, and Israel. South Korea was ranked 19. According to these data, the underdeveloped country and developing countries are more severe than advanced countries.

▲ The gap between the rich and poor in China

Why gap occurs? First, wealth has been passing down. Since people have owned their property, it is passed down to their descendants. It is natural. However, these inheritances are the important cause of the gap between the rich and poor. Relatives of rich people can increase their fortune without special effort. On the other hand, the poor strata who try hard never become rich. The inheritance of enormous wealth plunders a chance of poor people. Second, the distribution of resources can be a cause of this gap. Some countries live well because they have many resources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas. However, other countries do not have anything from them. It is not their choices but their fate. Also, exports, which they sell are the key to the wealth. Most of the advanced nations export their goods at an expensive cost because their products are of high value. However, many underdeveloped countries and developing countries sell low-valued products, so they cannot earn much.

▲ The gap between the rich and poor in North Korea

This problem would not be solved well because the thoughts of the two groups are so different. However, the gap between the rich and the poor is exactly a global problem. For the love for mankind, we should donate and help poor people. Also, the nation and the government's roles are really important. They must improve their welfare to solve this problem.

Sept. 9th, by Baek Jong Won


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